Monday, August 11, 2008

hey, jerkass…what about my freakin’ order?

Now, I’m not one to complain about restaurant service, and for the sake of it being my first time at a certain establishment, I will not mention its name in my blog. However, if I end up going there again, and I happen to receive the same treatment? Well, it’s going on my shit list for all 5 of you readers to see.

So what happened? I’m not sure what to call it really. Blatant rudeness? Poor customer service? Borderline discrimination?

I honestly have no idea. What I do know is that I felt really disrespected and hurt when it happened.

For lunch today, a bunch of us headed to [restaurant name withheld] for lunch. I’d never been there before and it looked pretty decent. Plus, Peapod hadn’t made a delivery yet, so I was starving.

I offered to buy my coworker, B, lunch because she so graciously pitched in for me last week. We walked up to the counter together, and I let her know she could order first. She was ordering a wrap of some kind, and I wasn’t sure what exactly she wanted on it, so I thought it best to let her go ahead.

After she told the guy that she wanted the Wasabi Tuna Wrap, there was a pause and I began to say, “And I’ll have th—“

He cut me off without even looking at me. You know how someone shoots you a look to as if to say they'll be right with you? Yeah. That totally didn't happen.

Nope. He just bulldozed over my words—like he couldn’t possibly be bothered with them.

He proceeded to ask B what she wanted on her wrap.

B: “Lettuce, no mayo or mustard, and no tomatoes.”
Order-Taker-Guy: “Is that all?”
B: “Yup.”

B then looked over at me as if to signal to the Order-Taker-Guy that it was my turn to add on to the order.

Once again I started, “And I’ll have the five-cheese sli—“

The guy walked completely away from the counter and back toward the kitchen—once again without even so much as looking at me.

I turned to B, “Apparently I’m invisible today.”

For a split second I thought about not ordering at all. What horrible customer service. I mean, really. Did he find me appallingly unattractive? Was I too chubby? Did I look funny? Did I remind this guy of an ex-girlfriend who had stomped all over his heart before proceeding to swallow it whole, only to pass it three days later and flush it down the toilet?

What was worse? He didn’t even ask my name. He had placed B’s order on a separate order ticket and handed it to one of the cooks. When he took my order, he rushed through it, let the cashier know I was paying for both orders, and didn’t bother to put my name on the ticket.

I felt horrible to say the least. It was like he didn’t want to be bothered with me. I felt ugly and out of place. I honestly did. I mean, I sort of felt mildly worthless. Like I wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, I-don’t-know-what enough.

It was awful.

I stood at the counter waiting for my food to come up so I could just get the hell out of there. The whole time I just kept thinking about how awful this guy’s attitude toward me had made me feel. I thought about giving him the benefit of the doubt, I mean, it was lunch and there were about 7 of us placing orders.

But I thought about the attention he gave B and the care he took with her order. Why didn’t I deserve the same care? It was just bad business.

As I walked out with my salad and my pizza, I thought about how I never wanted to go back there again. I’m sure some day I will, but no time soon.

And besides…the food? Well…it wasn’t that spectacular anyways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately my sweet you have been...
