Saturday, February 7, 2009


Fear not, I'm still around.

After talking to Ryan yesterday...I realized that I should the very least...update the Randonimity on a weekly basis.

I mean, people are kind enough to subscribe (usually after my throwing a tantrum and stomping my feet on the ground. Usually...but not always.)

So, it's been some time. A lot has changed, and it's still early in 2009.

Second City has been a God-send. No, really. I don't know if any of you have noticed, but I'm far more likely to make a complete ass out of myself...without feeling bad about it. It's really a good thing, actually. Instead of being afraid to let myself out, I just do it...if it works, great. If not? Well, that's okay too.

Still loving my job and the company in general. It's a great experience and I'm learning quite a bit. Still as excited to walk through those doors now as I was on the day of my very first interview.

Also, I like Palmer's fudgy hearts.

Speaking of which: Valentine's Day. *pfft* I've never really liked it, but being single again, I realize how much it's EVERYWHERE. I think my disdain stems from that year in elementary school when no one gave me a Valentine in my Valentine shoe box. (Which, by the way, I spent the WHOLE NIGHT BEFORE decorating with enormous amounts of iridescent glitter and doilies.)

Shit like that can scar a kid for life. There I what? 8? 9? With an empty shoe box, while the rest of the class...even the kid who picked his nose and ate it...had at least one.

I think that if I got a shoe box full of Valentines some year, I might think differently of the holiday. *Might* being the operative word.

Of course, I'm long past the days of decorated shoe boxes and paper Valentines. So I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. Ha!

Anyhow, until next week!

P.S. Check the link list. New blog/podcast added (second link down). It's the project of a friend of mine and it's good. So check it out or I will eat your face. Thanks.

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