Sunday, October 12, 2008


...spent over an hour creating this?

Yours truly.

Hey, gotta represent, right?


Here are all of the pumpkins Max and I carved today. (And by we, I mean, I did the dirty work and Max carved out a single pumpkin eye. But he had fun, and really, I did too.)

What's more? As I sat on my porch enjoying this unseasonable weather, some neighbors walked by, commenting and complimenting my pumpkins...before they even realized I was sitting out there.

Then their dog started to crap on my lawn.

Which is totally fine.


Schmerica said...

i am saddened by your horrid lack of lionel richie pumpkins. that big head would have dazzeled on your front porch.

Tiff said...

You bring up a valid point.

Let me just say that this was only Round 1 of Pumpkin carving 2008.

It gives me an idea:

You, me, Tifftinis and pumpkins. Imagine the brilliance we could create.

I say we do it.