Thursday, May 8, 2008

could you copy this deposit ticket while balancing 3 camels on your head and dancing the tango on your swivel chair?

At work, it's often the case that one person will give me a project...then another person will, and then another, and another, and so on.

At the moment I am balancing about 4 projects (I can't keep track), one of which was going through a list of group travel company websites, seeing if they'd be companies we could work with, and then writing down their contact info to enter into a spreadsheet.

I have one word of advice to ANYONE contemplating a website: If your company name includes more than 25 letters or so, please abbreviate. is not a functional website address. Period.

On another note, one girl decided to make over 500 photocopies, creating a back-up for the copier that put traffic on the Dan Ryan during construction to shame.

I needed to copy 2...yes, TWO deposit slips. The woman I needed to copy them for was in the copy room, sending out a fax.

Me: "Hey M____, are you copying?"

M____: "No, Tiff. That's P_____'s project. But I have to make some copies too."

Me: "Well hey, since you're already going to make a few copies when P____'s copies are finished, do you just want to copy these [two very minuscule deposit slips that will take five seconds that are technically going to end up back on your desk anyways], too then?"

M____: "No no! You keep those and copy them." (M_____ dramatically books it out of copy room, mumbling inaudibly...something about creamer...and the new towels she bought on her lunch break...)

Me: eyes; notices that only 160 of the 500 copies currently printing are done. Rolls eyes again. Makes a fart noise.)

-End scene-

Is it 5 yet?


Schmerica said...

HAHHAHHAHAHHAHA your blogs make me remember how much i hated that place. like seriously you made my stomach return back to where it was almost a year ago. those people could pool their brains together in a brain bowl and it wouldnt add up to 1/4 of the average human beings.

Just That ZombieGrrl said...

Crazy offices (like happy families) are all alike ... I've had that moment, several times ...

I'm writing the manual for my replacement, for which part of the title is "How to Juggle Books While Drowning in Paper."

Well, at least these experiences make for good stories, right?

-Jade Lee :)