Friday, June 20, 2008

the 4th is coming! holy cow.

My mom recently reminded me that the 4th of July is only a few weeks away. This kind of shocked me. I mean, it doesn't seem like it's been a year since we were eating hot dogs, blowing crap up, and trying to haggle the folks at the fireworks stand for a discount. I mean, they say, "Buy 1 get 4,534 free!" But really, the cost of 1 is equal to the cost of 4,535. What a scam. Nevertheless, the opportunity to blow things up makes it difficult to say no. And, in turn, we end up buying the explosives anyways.

The above picture is from last 4th of July. My friend Angela and I decided to light as many of those charcoal snake things on fire as possible at one time . I think our number of snakes totaled 50. Maybe more. And there's still a stain on the sidewalk almost a full year later.

I have always liked the 4th of July. You might even say it's my favorite holiday. I like walking around my town, seeing everybody out enjoying the day, drinking large quantities of beer, and eating grilled goodness. And then, as soon as the sun sets, the skies light up with colorful sparks and explosions--the smell of gun powder wafting throughout every street.

I'm really excited for 4th of July...just like I am every year I guess. It's just I never realize how close it is until someone reminds me. It's weird. It's like I forget about time because it's going by so fast. I mean, has it really been a year since we created that stain on my sidewalk?

It totally has. And before I know it, Pierogifest will be in full effect, too. Crazy. What's crazier? To think of everything that's happened between last 4th of July and now. Sometimes I forget how fast time passes. It really is like the blink of an eye.

Or the pop, fizzle, fade of a firework.

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